What is ESATI?

      The Bureau of Technologic and Intermodal Supports (ESATI in portuguese), is a junior enterprise located at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Joinville campus,  fully formed by students. We are a non-profit institution, in which all the profits are  used for the development of the company and formation and training of its members.

     It was founded on August 3, 2013, by six students with the support of professors from the different engineering areas of the institution, with the intention of offering consulting services to companies in Joinville and region.

     These consultancies are complete solutions based on the seven engineering areas of our campus, especially in Transport and Logistics Engineering, Civil Infrastructure and in the financial area.

     ESATI’s mission is to offer the development of its members through a business reality routine, turning students into entrepreneurs and into innovative leaders who are capable of impacting the business, tecnic and social areas. Therefore, our vision is to be a Junior Enterprise that achieves a high impact until 2022. 

     Based on our values, that are transparency, etics, commitment with excellence, the sense of belonging and the entrepreneur leadership, we work for the opportunity of acquiring practical knowledge, acting directly in the business world, besides developing interpersonal skills, which are fundamental for a professional’s success. This way, we seek to impact and boost the economy of Santa Catarina, working with the Junior Enterprise Movement to offer engineering projects,  training more qualified professionals through the business experience 🚀.